Toca tu música en Abbott Square

Comparte tu música con cientos de nuevos seguidores en Abbott Square, el único escenario al aire libre gratuito en Santa Cruz. Te facilitamos las herramientas para que hagas lo tuyo. Nuestro propio coordinador musical te atenderá y se encargará de todas tus necesidades de sonido con un sistema de audio totalmente equipado. Esto te deja a ti a cargo de dar el mejor espectáculo.

  • Since the MAH reopened Abbott Square in late 2017, musicians from near and far have had the opportunity to send their sounds into the streets of Downtown Santa Cruz.
  • Now nearly three years later, the MAH's music series in Abbott Square brings together hundreds of community members every week to connect through a shared love of music. Join a crowd of over 300 people who attend these free music shows every Friday and Saturday, make a new friend.
  • We have a fully functional inventory of AV equipment (include the list of equipment), and sound savvy MAH staff to be the on-site host and audio engineer, enabling bands to focus on their art, and have the most sonically sensational show possible.

    There is no rhyme or redundancy to the way the MAH books music, we pride ourselves on having the most eclectic music program around. One day you might be jumping around to some samba funk fusion, and the next day you could sit back and enjoy the sweet harmonies of mountain folk.

Upcoming Shows

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Make a Night of It


Pop into Abbott Square to enjoy bites and beverages from any of the six restaurants or two bars. Gin & Tonics. Cajun fries. Grilled cheese. Tacos. Beer on top. The choices are endless and delicious.

See our Staff's Abbott Square Favorites >>

Wanna Play?

We have a fully functional inventory of AV equipment (include the list of equipment), and sound savvy MAH staff to be the on-site host and audio engineer, enabling bands to focus on their art, and have the most sonically sensational show possible.

Share Your Sound with Downtown
Reach Out

Plug-and-Play Equipment

  • Allen & Heath ZED 12FX Mixing Board -- 12- channel in- 6 XLR in 10 1/4" L/M in /1 RCA in - 2XLR out
  • 2 powered Yamaha DXR 10 Main speakers, with speaker stands.
  • 2 powered Fender Audio Fighter 10" stage monitors
  • 5 boom mic stands
  • 2 SM57 Mics, 2 SM58 Mics, 2 dynamic Mics, 2 wireless Mics
  • 4 mini instrument mic stands
  • Many XLR cables up to 25 feet long
  • Supplemental 1/4in cables, all pretty short in length
  • 2 Direct Inboxes
  • Audio Input snake with 8 XLR inputs and 4 1/4in inputs
  • Power strips Stage Left, Upstage Center, & Stage Right
  • Many extension cords
  • Rugs
  • 3 small ambiance stage lights

Mira cómo es

Echa un vistazo a los próximos conciertos en Abbott Square.