Ven a co-crear con nosotros

Aquí tus audaces ideas son bienvenidas. Comparte tus sueños, tu misión y tu arte con miles de personas curiosas sobre tu trabajo. Nuestro magnífico equipo de eventos está aquí para ayudarte a que tus ideas cobren vida.

Featured Opportunity for Artists

Archive Books 1


Submit your proposal to be featured in and around the museum in downtown Santa Cruz during the inaugural Frequency festival. Artworks will be on view for 4 days from September 16th to September 19th, 2021.

Think of it as a re-imagined GLOW. We are seeking artwork that is primarily light-based and interactive that are visually and aesthetically appealing both in daylight and nighttime.

Download the Request for Proposals to Learn More

Your wild ideas are welcome here. We are concentrating on activating our current and upcoming exhibitions with co-created programs that are content-aligned and uniquely tailored to the needs of our community.

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Interpreta tu baile, poesía o música

Haz que un evento cobre vida con danza, poesía, moda, música o magia. Independientemente de si tu talento es la poesía, una canción o un bajo hecho con un globo rosa (eso realmente sucedió una vez), el MAH es tu escenario.

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Imparte un taller

Comparte destrezas con un taller práctico para visitantes de todas las edades. Muéstrales a los visitantes manualidades innovadoras. Idea una forma inesperada en la que nuevos aprendices se involucren con la ciencia. Enséñale a los activistas incipientes acerca de un momento revolucionario en la historia a través del grabado o la escritura de cartas

May See Be Seen

Propose an Exhibition

We're always on the lookout for creative group show proposals. Submit yours today.

Rent the MAH
We’d love to talk to you about the best space and find the right fit for your event at the MAH.

Mix and match spaces to make your event dreams come true.

See Rentable Spaces