Race Through Time
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A one-of-a-kind, epic local history scavenger hunt hosted annually by the MAH. Collect clues, win prizes, and bike or walk through Santa Cruz History.
Registration is Open Now!
Whizz through Santa Cruz history while biking or walking with friends and friendly competitors.
Sign-up as a team of 2 to 5 people (or on your own!) then, work to solve a packet of clues that reveal places in Santa Cruz that hold historical significance.
Solve the riddles to visit the next site. Complete quirky bonus challenges. Earn points and compete to win the race through time. Prizes are awarded at the end for overall winner (fastest time and most points), best dressed, and best team name.
Arrive at the MAH at 10am to receive your first clue, grab a snack, make a button, and pose for photos. The clock starts when we send you off at 10:30am. Return by 12:30pm, winners will be announced at 1:30pm at the MAH.
Ready to Race?
Event Timeline & Tips for Racers
Learn MoreHow to:
Race Through Time
Register as a Biking or Walking Team
Teams cannot split up (that's cheating). Everyone in your team must walk or bike together, so make sure everyone agrees.
Coordinate Your Outfits
The best-dressed team gets a prize at the end of the competition. Plus, it's super fun.
Follow the Clues
Not sure if you know enough about Santa Cruz History? Here is an example question:
Fires and quakes I have survived
Since 1900 I’ve stood with pride
Arms and heads I have none
But hands and faces I have some.
I always run but never walk,
And sometimes ring but never talk.
Answer: The Clock Tower
Return to the MAH
Bike / walk back to the MAH by 12:30pm, after solving all of the clues. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the event.
Suitable for kids?
All ages are welcome and count as one of your 2-5 team members. As long as anyone can be out biking or walking for roughly two hours they are welcome to participate.
There are two parking garages located near the Museum at Soquel/Front Street and River/Front Street. Getting Here.
Bathrooms are located in the back of the museum, on either side of the elevator on all 3 floors. There is an all gender bathroom on the 2nd floor.
Abbott Square Market will be open, grab a drink from Front & Cooper or grab a slice from La Bufala after your race.