3Rd Friday Power Hour 24193319590 O

Power Hour of Fun

Artboard 1

Thursday, November 29, 2018,
7pm - 9:30pm

$10 General, $5 MAH Member

POWER HOUR is a non-stop participatory event made up of 60 minute-long experiences. You will arm wrestle, you will meditate, you will play hide-and-go-seek in the museum…if you can last the hour.

Here’s how it works: At the beginning of the hour, facilitator Elise Granata presses play on a video that displays different vibrant prompts– like “Yell” or “Speed Figure Drawing”– for everyone to follow. Each experience lasts one minute. The whole thing lasts one hour. At the end, you’ll collapse from joy and exhaustion with a few new friends– or at least a few new people you’ve yelled at the top of your lungs with.

Elise Fun

“Es menos aburrido que una hora feliz. Todo el mundo está fuera de sí, por lo que es una excusa fantástica para estarlo también.”

Elise Granata — Maestra de ceremonias de Power Hour

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7 - 8pm: Arrive, play warm-up games in the galleries and museum lobby, make a cape, grab a drink at the bar.

8 - 9pm: POWER HOUR

9 - 9:30pm: Connections cool down party


"Who needs power hour? Everyone who needs to get out of their head and into social bungee jumping. Who does power hour need? Everyone who is willing to say “I can do anything for a minute.”

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"Too often, fun lies just on the other side of self-conscious weirdness. Genuine human-to-human connection is just beyond the threshold of social awkwardness."

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"Since then, she has developed the concept into a large-scale, interactive event that has been a sensation at conferences, events and parties around the Bay Area and New York."

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