MAH Dia De Muertos Nov 2019 1774 copy

Día de los Muertos: Senderos’ Centeotl Danza y Baile Performance

Artboard 1

Thursday, October 29, 2020 (todo el dia)

Video Released October 29th

Join a re-imagined Día de los Muertos celebration with month-long opportunities to come together and remember those we have lost. Check out the full list of happenings here on our blog.

This year, in collaboration with our core partners and teachers of Senderos, the MAH will continue to hold a gathering space for all to share their stories, celebrate community, and mourn – safely. We're bringing the many offerings of our annual festival online and outdoors.

On November 5th, enjoy a rerecorded virtual performance by Centeotl Danza y Baile filmed at Evergreen Cemetery. Learn about the dance and its significance in an interview with Maestras Jenny Robles, Magdalena Vega, and Chanel Robles.


  1. Eres Fabulosa, author: Narciso Lico Carillo, genre: cumbia
  2. Fely, author: Victor Reyes Francisco, genre: son
  3. No te podias quedar, arrangement: Gustavo Ojeda, genre: balada
  4. Floricel, author: unknown, genre: son

Ensamble Musical de Senderos is a traditional banda de viento (wind band). It is a free program offered through Senderos where students learn theory, practice, and performance of different musical genres from Mexico to Chile.

This performance was filmed at Evergreen Cemetery by Director Megan Martinez Goltz and Filmmakers Brenda Ávila Hanna and MK Veniegas-Isip - a group of amazing community storytellers.

Co-Created Alongside

The History of Día