
Dia de Muertos Month-Long Celebration

Artboard 1

Friday, October 16, 2020 (todo el dia)

Online Submission Form Coming Soon

Every year, we gather to honor the lives of loved ones and our ancestors with symbols of fire, earth, water, and wind through the Indigenous traditions of Dia de Muertos. As a community, we take a moment to pause and celebrate all the movement around us through life, death, and beyond.

This year, in collaboration with our core partners and teachers of Senderos, the MAH will continue to hold a gathering space for all to share their stories, celebrate community, and mourn – safely.

The programs will kick off October 9th varying widely with a number of in-person and online opportunities to learn about and celebrate the significance and history of Dia de Muertos. You can look forward to in-person safely distanced experiences like a wishing wall and a community ofrenda, resources for educators, plus online gatherings, and workshops.

Then, on November 2nd you're invited to participate in a closing ceremony at Evergreen Cemetery blessing the altars and wishes from our community.

We have more information coming soon. Sign up for our email list to be the first to know about all upcoming programs and opportunities.

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