Wow! We’ve received over 130 responses to the community survey since it went out last week. We are incredibly thankful that folks are eager to share their time, stories, and creativity.
With the call out posted and one Q&A Zoom meet up under our belt, we wanted to follow up with a FAQ about the exhibition and the ways in which folks, like you, can participate.
In These Uncertain Times FAQ
Who What When Where
- The exhibition is scheduled to open Winter/Spring 2021 in the MAH’s 2nd floor Solari Gallery.
- Artwork submissions will be open from August 3rd through September 30th, click here for the link to share your work. All artwork must be completed before it is submitted.
- The team at the MAH will be selecting up to 50 community sourced artworks and/or projects for this exhibition. We know there will be more submissions than we have the capacity to exhibit for this show. So, we will be working with other local community partners to find ways to share and exhibit additional artwork and stories throughout the county.
- Artwork & Project Submission Guidelines:
- Open to ALL Santa Cruz County Residents
- All submissions should fit within 4ft x 4ft x 2ft space.
How to Participate?
Create artwork
Or document a project and submit it in August when we send out the call for work.
Connect with others to create a collaborative artwork.
Get creative! Think of ways to make a collaborative artwork virtually or by creating a process that adheres to the CDC’s social distancing guidelines. For the chance to be connected with other local artists across the County fill out the Call for Participation Form Here.

Connect with others on a collaborative project.
Whether it's a photo project supporting health care workers or making masks and other PPE, there are loads of ways you can support your community in creative ways. What are some of your ideas? For the chance to be connected with other local artists across the County fill out the Call for Participation Form Here. We have live documents for folks to share projects their working on and connect with others to make them happen! Don’t forget to document the project so you can share your story in the exhibition.
Connect with a local mutual aid project.
We have a resource page packed with information about how you can support the community during this time of need. You can also check out Sub Rosa and the Community Foundation for even more mutual aid efforts.