Meet the Artist
Nests: Sharon Loper
This exhibit is compromised of synthesized hummingbird nests and large scale color prints.
Exhibited from January 20, 2007 through April 1, 2007
The exhibition Nests: Sharon Loper is comprised of synthesized hummingbird nests and large scale color prints. Three oversized fabricated hummingbird nests, ranging from two to five feet in height, are constructed from metal bars, some with chicken wire hemp hair, cotton batting, and gathered natural twigs and branches. The color prints include large scale images of a hummingbird nest with baby hummingbirds as well as an abandoned nest encased in Plexiglas and suspended from the ceiling. Loper states,
“The nest represents nature in its most perfect symbolism, in that the nest is shelter, an enclosure, a safe place where life is sustained. We all live in a time when hyper – reality is the norm. The nest brings us back to less complicated values and uses nature as a vehicle. The nest is a window, a place where life begins.”
Nests: Sharon Loper will be on display on the ground floor of the Museum, utilizing the entire space with the fabricated nests and large scale color prints from January 20 – April 1, 2007.
Sponsored in part by: Carolyn Hyatt and A.L. Walters, CPA with the Monterey Bay Birding Festival.