Cementerio Evergreen
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Explora el lugar de descanso de las personas que construyeron el condado de Santa Cruz.
261 Evergreen Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Un lugar inspirador
La historia es más que una narración en un libro. Muchas de las aventureras personas que llegaron en el siglo XIX y ayudaron a convertir a Santa Cruz en una ciudad moderna en crecimiento se encuentran en el cementerio Evergreen.
Entre las personas sepultadas en el Cementerio Evergreen se encuentran los buscadores de oro, los artistas, los inmigrantes chinos, los montañeses, los yanquis, los veteranos de la guerra civil, los abogados, los albañiles, los niños y los olvidados.
Toma un tour
Take a Self Guided Tour
Take a Self Guided Tour
Follow the map on this self-guided walking tour to learn more the people behind Santa Cruz history.
Get Hands On
Evergreen Cemetery speaks volumes about the people and history of Santa Cruz County. Check out the ways you can conduct research to find relatives, learn more about local history, and share your knowledge.
Museum Archive. The Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History has a historical archive that contains all the material we have on those buried at Evergreen Cemetery. To visit the archive, call 831.429.1964 to schedule an appointment. Future plans for the archive include making documents available online.
Find A Grave. You can search plot records online for persons buried in Evergreen Cemetery. This is a free service.
Ancestry.com. Evergreen Cemetery maintains a tree on Ancestry.com. Please visit our tree here or contact us by email for further details.
Evergreen Roster. Our roster is dynamic and changes each year. You can access it here. This list reflects our research to date. For changes, updates, and/or editions, please contact the Museum of Art and History.
Researchers Anonymous. A program of the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History for people interested in general Santa Cruz County history. Meets monthly. Learn more.
Volunteer at Evergreen Cemetery
Join a team of amazing, weekly volunteers who help maintain one of the oldest public cemeteries in California, Evergreen Cemetery. Swing by to help with basic gardening like pulling weeds and clearing walkways, all while discovering Santa Cruz County History. Gloves and tools are provided. Explore the grounds. Meet other local history buffs. Discover more about the people who made Santa Cruz what it is today. No need to RSVP, just stop by ready to work.
Every Friday, 9:30am-12:30pm
Follow Along
Join the Evergreen Cemetery Facebook Group to stay in the loop on upcoming workdays, projects, and ask questions to a group of other local history lovers.
Then, be sure to sign up for MAH emails to be kept in the loop on upcoming events, book launches, and calls for support.
Educational Resources
We recently launched free, downloadable lesson plans for local educators. Check out all six options, including the two below that relate directly to Evergreen Cemetery.
Tombstone Tales from Evergreen Cemetery
3rd-5th & 6th-8th Grade | Understand the large impacts early settlers had in shaping Santa Cruz County through interactive activities and discussions.
Louden Nelson: A Will to Educate
3rd-5th Grade | Learn about London Nelson and the lasting legacy he left behind in Santa Cruz County. By introducing assignments, discussions, and activities around slavery, you will gain a sense of empathy regarding Nelson’s life.
Support Evergreen
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Chinatown is in the Heart
En 2014 se instaló una puerta conmemorativa china de 17 pies de largo en el Cementerio Evergreen para honrar a los primeros inmigrantes chinos de Santa Cruz: pescadores, trabajadores del ferrocarril, sirvientes y trabajadores agrícolas. La puerta, encargada por el Museo de Arte e Historia de Santa Cruz, contó con la financiación privada del ex-residente del Barrio chino George Ow Jr.
“En el folklore chino, si no resuelves algo durante la vida, tienes fantasmas hambrientos rondando, como espíritus enojados”, dijo Ow. “Al reconocer a estos espíritus, es como si los alimentáramos”.
El contratista Tom Ralston colaboró con los historiadores locales Sandy Lydon y Geoffrey Dunn, con el ex-residente del Barrio chino George Ow Jr. y con el voluntario del museo, Sibley Simon, en el diseño de la puerta.
On the Blog
Evergreen in Print
First in a series of Evergreen Cemetery Mysteries, Buried Star: Ghosts in the Gulch explores the life of AJ Sloan. The story straddles the history of Sloan exploring Santa Cruz amidst serious intrigue, and a couple in the future who are set on discovering his past. This is a “time-warping” ghost story that digs deep into the history of the central coast– and Evergreen’s a central character. Buy it on Amazon here, and at Bookshop Santa Cruz here.
Evergreen Cemetery got a mention in a local book, 228 Interesting, Odd, Beautiful & Historic Things to See in Santa Cruz County. The book, available at Bookshop Santa Cruz, was written by long-time residents Steven Bignell and Susan Bruijnes and published by Journeyworks Publishing.
Created in 1858, the Evergreen Cemetery provided a final resting place for a multitude of Santa Cruz's adventurers, entrepreneurs, and artists. Join Traci Bliss and Randall Brown as they bring to life the tragedies and triumphs of the diverse men and women interred at Evergreen Cemetery. Purchase the Publication
Protege este monumento histórico
Haz una donación al MAH para ayudar a financiar proyectos de conservación, eventos e investigaciones en el Cementerio Evergreen.