MAHsqerade Gala
Saturday, February 25, 2023,
6pm - 10pm
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Join us for this special fundraiser for the MAH.
- 6pm: Doors Open
- 7pm: Welcome & Program
- 7:30-9pm: Live Music
- 9-10pm: Dancing with DJ Sparkle
Funds raised enable the MAH to provide equitable access to contemporary art, Santa Cruz County history, and community events. Contributions also allow us to maintain our archives and collections, produce rotating exhibitions, present inspiring and educational programs year-round, and maintain historic sites including Evergreen Cemetery, Davenport Jail, and the Octagon Building.
Dress to impress; masks encouraged.
Exhibitions on view: Bay of Life: From Wind to Whales,ReflectioNNN, Santa Cruz History Gallery, and the Colaboratory.
Tickets: $75/pp
Includes bites, beverages, and entertainment.
All proceeds benefit the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History. Sponsorships welcomed! Contact