Computer Science Playground Community Night
Thursday, December 12, 2024,
4:30pm - 6:30pm
705 Front St.
What is CSEdWeek?
Computer Science Education Week is an annual call to action to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equity, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field.
Computer Science is for everyone...
Come to our playgrounds and see what we mean! Learners of all ages are welcome to join us for an evening of hands-on computer science. There will be live demonstrations, hands-on activities and opportunities to interact with industry members and other passionate computer scientists.
¿Qué es CSEdWeek?
La Semana de Educación en Ciencias de la Computación es un llamado anual a la acción para inspirar a los estudiantes desde jardín de infantes hasta el nivel secundario a aprender ciencias de la computación, defender la equidad y celebrar las contribuciones de los estudiantes, maestros y socios en el campo.
La informática es para todos...