Silent Disco 01

Late Night @ the MAH: Between the Fires by Anna Friz & Gabriel Saloman Mindel

Artboard 1

Saturday, January 20, 2024,
7pm - 10pm


$15 General, $10 MAH Members

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A concert that listens for risk and regeneration, drought and the hints of persistent moisture in burn scars from the local CZU Lightning Complex fires, as the cycles of fire intensify. Anna Friz and Gabriel Saloman Mindel experiment with listening and playing with the changing land, moving between chaparral and coniferous forests, performing with recordings made among the trees together with live electronic instruments, and analog and digital processing techniques.

Late Night @ the MAH is a series of after-hours happenings at the museum featuring music, performance, and film by an array of artists. Events are often inspired by current or recent exhibitions and fluctuate between being part salon and part social gathering.

Featured Artists

DJ Arden


Anna Friz

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Jared G


Gabriel Saloman Mindel

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Presented in partnership with