Educational Resources

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Available Lesson Plans

Get access to free, downloadable history lesson plans for grades 3rd-12th. Fill out the form below to receive instant access to these resources. Continue to check back as we release new resources periodically.

As distance learning continues, we want to offer engaging and educational resources for our Santa Cruz County community.

Enter your email below to access four different educational lesson plans brought to you by School Programs at the MAH. Learn, create, and connect to the history of Santa Cruz by following our easy step-by-step instructions.

Available Lesson Plans

Louden Nelson: A Will to Educate

Learn about London Nelson and the lasting legacy he left behind in Santa Cruz County. By introducing assignments, discussions, and activities around slavery, you will gain a sense of empathy regarding Nelson’s life.

Community Builder: Journalists

Learn about people and places from history and think about how journalists can work to make change within the community.

Pride & Identity: An Exploration of Queer Santa Cruz

Get introduced to the MAH's virtual exhibition, Queer Santa Cruz, in a way that highlights the importance of having a visible and accepted identity in the Santa Cruz queer community.

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“I worked on the journalist lesson plan with two 3rd graders and it was awesome. We had a great conversation about the power of journalists and environmentalists (a new word for both kids!). We appreciate the local-based projects and can't wait to visit the MAH soon.”

Karah Ammann, Marine field ecologist at UCSC and a mom


Virtual Field Trips Coming Soon!

Bring your class or home school network together online to connect with art and history digitally. Beginning Fall 2020, students will join Education Coordinator, Oscar Paz, via video chat to unpack Santa Cruz County’s history and discover how they too can build a more connected and meaningful community from home.

Stay tuned for more details.

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MAH Trunks: Queerstory

In 2022 the MAH received a grant from the California State Library to digitize and archive the LGBTQ+ history in Santa Cruz County. With these funds, we also developed free educational resources for the general public using the collection. We are thrilled to present the MAH Trunks as interactive learning tools that are full of activities for educators to use with students in kindergarten to 12th grade.

With these trunks, our goal is to support educators to help students learn LGBTQ+ history. We believe that students should be able to understand this material instead of learning through negative stereotypes and myths.

As a result, we hope that these resources will create an empathetic, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for everyone.

Currently Available: Grades 6-8 trunk.
Coming soon: Grades K-5 & Grades 9-12 trunks.

To Learn more about the Queerstory project and view the online archive ckick HERE

Watch the video to learn more about the Trunks and check out the calendar to reserve a trunk today!

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“My 9-12 grade class studied critical identity this year and it brought up a lot of questions about gender and sexual orientation...The Queerstory trunk gave me a chance to pick up the conversation without creating any new curriculum...The whole experience was soft and positive. I recommend it for any setting for any age.”

Sarah Webb — Art 1 Ethnic Studies Teacher

Educational Videos

Join the MAH on Youtube with new educational videos. Stay tuned for new releases coming soon!

Learn More on the MAH Blog

Craving more creative projects, artist interviews, and history spotlights? Well then head over to the MAH blog for new stories every week.

Support the MAH

Consider making a gift or becoming a member to ensure a sustainable and resilient MAH. Your contribution directly supports these educational resources and connecting our community through these uncertain times.